Doepfer A-100LC1 48HP Low Cost Frame

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Doepfer
Доступность:на заказ
13343 Р
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The A-100LC1 is very similar to the A-100LC3 but offers only 48 HP for installation of modules. A-100LC3 is equipped with the power supply A-100SSB.

The case is made of raw wood without laquering. The case can be varnished by the customer in any desired color e.g. by means of a spray can.

It is also available with black coating :A-100LC1V

Quantity of bus boards: 1 (short version with 8 module connectors)

Electrical specifications: mains voltage: 110.. 240V~ (IEC connector at the rear panel, the mains cable is not included because of the many different versions for different countries) output voltages/current: +12V/380mA, -12V/380mA, +5V/100mA (the +5V current is taken from the +12V supply, i.e. the sum of the +12V current and the +5V current has to be less than 380mA)

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